


I do UI/UX stuff. Sometimes I do frontend dev stuff & theatre stuff.
Also into photography, climbing, riding, gliding & shield surfing 😉


Some people type to talk

Some people type to talk

This is a draft. Content will evolve over time.

“Language is the single most powerful tool one can poses. Master language and you can achieve whatever you want.”

Well, language is definately NOT my forté…

To master language, one needs to speak, read and write often. I can speak, I only need to find a worthy topic to speak about, a platform and at least one audience. I can read, I only need to find interesting enough topics to not make me fall asleep. Writing though…

I like computers. So typing on the keyboard has long become a path for me to start writing. Coding helps as well. I started going public in the early social media days on platforms such as Friendster, DeviantArt, my first blog. I continued writing on other social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram when more people got on board, and eventually ended up with you reading this here right now 🫰.


  • Around 2001, I created my first website on Geocities.
  • Then I moved to a shared hosting service at rudzstudio.cjb.net.
  • In 2008, I stumbled upon Joomla and defaulted to it as my main CMS platform.
  • Sometime in 2012s, I jumped ship to Wordpress to run my website and projects.
    • Wordpress was built as a blogging software.
    • Frontend customisation becomes a chore.
  • in 2016, I bought rudzainy.com
    • in 2022, I lost the domain and bought rudzainy.my.